Hello and Welcome

By taking a moment to breathe and be present before entering this site, you have taken the first step towards a life filled with gratitude, compassion and abundance.


My name is Janell

… and I'm a Soul Coach, certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher, writer and Wild Woman.


My purpose in life is to provide people with tools and practices that reduce anxiety, pain and overwhelm and become aligned with their highest purpose. I do this through mindfulness, meditation, and deep inner healing. The pause you took before you hit enter was the first of these practices, mindfulness.

Mindfulness means paying attention to what you're sensing and feeling in the present moment with curiosity and without judgment. It’s a simple tool that, if practiced regularly, can be life-changing.

Want to learn how to start being more mindful?

The best place to start if you’re a beginner to mindfulness and meditation is my 8-Week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course.

Watch the video to learn a little more about what this course entails, or simply click the button below to sign up for the free intro class to MBSR!


Why is mindfulness so important to me?


I hold a Master’s degree in Art Education and over the last two decades I have launched and developed numerous programs affecting women, children and families. I am a certified MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) teacher through the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, however my journey into mindful living began when I was quite young.


"Working with Janell was truly an enlightening experience. During the sessions and also through guided home practice, we uncovered the gifts of mindfulness that helped me in the everyday moments. When the everyday moments lead me to big life issues, I leaned on the lessons I had learned to help me through these larger hurdles."

- Michele B. 

Featured On…


Episode 6: Grounded In Miracles — Using Mindfulness to Carry You Through the Toughest Journeys of Life


DISCLAIMER: MBSR is a health education program that supports decisions determined by you and your healthcare professional.  The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only.