on the surface of things,

I am a meditation teacher.


Because I personally survived many harrowing years of Soul growth, the kind that comes from trauma and loss, I decided to dedicate my life to working and living in the trenches of the heart. Going deep and helping you uncover the beliefs that hold you back and the stories that keep you stuck, is what I do best. I want to share the tools, practices and lessons I’ve learned through my own challenges so that you can live your very best life. 


Living Mindfully

Mindfulness and meditation are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to describing what I do. Underneath it all what I am really offering people is facilitated self-discovery. I lead workshops and coach individuals one-on-one, focusing on practices that can lead to a life filled with gratitude, compassion and abundance. I help people tune into their intuition and cultivate a deep relationship with their Soul so that they can become more aware of who they are and their purpose. And when this happens, you naturally live with grace and courage. 


DISCLAIMER: MBSR is a health education program that supports decisions determined by you and your healthcare professional.  The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only.